Board of Supervisors Unassembled Caucus

The Nelson County Democratic Committee will hold unassembled caucuses on Thursday, June 3, 2021 for the purpose of determining the nominees of the Party for the offices of Supervisor for the East, Central and North Districts for the election of November 2021.  The caucuses will be held at places to be announced from 4:00 PM until 7:00 PM.  Persons standing in line at 7:00 PM will be allowed to participate in the caucus. 

There will be no absentee voting.

Participants must be registered to vote in Nelson County and reside in the Magisterial District in which the candidate is running.  (For example, a voter who resides in the North District may only cast a vote for a North District candidate.) A person whose registration cannot be verified the day of the caucus will be permitted to vote a provisional ballot.  The validity of any provisional ballot will be determined the day after the caucus, with the official voter list of the County of Nelson as the final arbiter.

All people who participate in the caucus must complete a certification form and sign a statement saying they are a registered voter, a Democrat, and they do not intend to support a candidate opposed to the Democratic nominee in the next election.

Any person desiring to be nominated for one of the above positions must complete the process of filing with Larry Stopper, Committee Chair at, before 7:00 PM on Saturday, May 15, 2021

In the event that there are not multiple persons filing for a given nomination, the caucus for that jurisdiction may be canceled.