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If we would have known about Governor Northams’s blackface and other behaviors as a young man, then perhaps he would have never run in the primary at all or he would have been soundly beaten by Tom Perriello and Perriello, a true progressive, could be our governor today.
"The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly. The rich have always objected to being governed at all." - G. K. Chesterton
By the end of the year, we might be playing “Hail to the Chief” to President Nancy Pelosi.
The modern Republican Party holds many positions which threaten our country and it’s citizens. But the Republican’s illogical position on immigration may be the most frustrating.
There is a growing consensus, not only among progressives, that 2020 race will see such issues as Medicare For All, a $15 minimum wage, help for student debt, a New Green Deal, a more progressive tax system will be front and center for all the candidates.
Tim Hickey wants to represent Nelson County in Virginia’s House of Delegates. Meet him at Rapunzels [map] on Sunday January 20th between 4 and 6 in the afternoon.
Connie Brennen told the Nelson Board of Supervisors, “This amendment is not just about women. I know each one of you has parents, has or may have children and grandchildren, and I know that each of you would want the law to be applied equally to all of them. This is the whole point of the amendment.”
No one is claiming a win on the fight over the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Not those for it, not those against it. Those for the ACP are a bit discouraged, however. Those against the pipeline are a bit encouraged. Here’s a few reasons why:
Fighting climate change has growing support among younger Democrats. It is their future at stake.