Let's Make Sure that Nelson's Voice is Heard!

Greetings Fellow Nelson County Democrats!

Have you noticed the proliferation of election signs already up along the county’s roads? Hard to miss really. It’s difficult to imagine a more important election cycle than the one we face over the next year and a half. We all have to think short term (local and state) as well as long term (national) to ensure we put people in place who we can count on to counteract and countermand the truly terrible decisions that have been made over the past thirty months.

It’s easy to feel that our own single vote may not count for much, but remember that Trump’s actual margin of victory amounted to less than 80,000 votes in three key states. We all count and we ALL need to do everything we can to bring democracy and respect back to our country. This starts right here in Nelson County. The Republicans have a razor thin margin in the House of Delegates and the Democrats could take the State Senate, so couple more Democratic victories will give us the majority to make real changes regarding issues like Congressional redistricting. Putting gerrymandering to an end in our state would be a major step towards a much fairer election environment.

We need to make sure that Nelson’s voice is heard in Virginia, and that Virginia’s voice is heard across the country as we find ways to undo the hateful and destructive policies of the Trump administration. We each need to find a role that can add up to success, first for this November, and then for the Presidential election next year. Nelson County, the country, and the world can’t afford another four years of Trump and his cronies.

Thanks Pete Aagaard, Nellysford

Nelson Democrats