Nelson County Democratic Committee

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Nelson County Democratic Committee Launches Monthly Newsletter in February

The Nelson County Democratic Committee is trying something new—publishing a monthly Newsletter that anticipates your need for information on political events that is organized in monthly installments.  In addition, we also want to give you a platform to share your ideas and opinions. Occasionally, we might do a restaurant review, include a random fact about Nelson County or share a great recipe.  As Democrats, we lean toward being inclusive, reaching out to friends we have yet to meet to share our common interests in home, hearth, and good government. We know that connecting with people is easier when we have their attention.

 The highly charged 2020 elections require  access to news of political events and outcomes in a format that provides links to relevant factual information.  The NCDC website is a reservoir of such information  for which the Newsletter is the access point. The Newsletter also promotes two-way communications between the NCDC and our subscribers. We see this as a tool for outreaching potential new voters, living our Democratic principles, and encouraging good will and civic responsibility generally for all residents of Nelson County. We are thus expanding our influence to a larger audience in a cost-effective way that lends itself to a more intimate connection with the community.

 This is possible  because we have the volunteer help of two editorial staff members—Lee Bruno, who will serve as editor; and, Linda Ehinger, who will be our graphic artist and photographer. Lee Bruno  will soon be celebrating her 80th birthday and swears that every year was different. She earned her BA from the University of Florida pregnant with her second child only two months behind her class. She takes deadlines seriously. Most of her career involved researching and writing about occupational training for the U. S. Departments of Labor and Education.  Now she writes novels.

 Linda Ehinger, just celebrated her 70th birthday. She obtained her degree in elementary education from Central Michigan University. After working in the Montgomery County Maryland school system for several years she embarked on a 30+ year career in real estate. Upon retirement four years ago, she followed some good friends who already lived on the mountain at Wintergreen. She loves the peace and beauty of living in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

 As we go along, let us know how we’re doing.

 The Communications Committee