Nelson County Democratic Committee

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Why Elizabeth Warren Is My Candidate for President

I am genuinely excited to have an opportunity to vote for Elizabeth Warren in the upcoming primary. She has a clear understanding of the many challenges our society is facing to which she applies a principled, pragmatic progressivism that values evidence over ideology.  She also recognizes that every citizen deserves a voice in the search for solutions.

These attributes are demonstrated in the following elements of her platform:

  1. Senator Warren is the only candidate taking a strong stance against corruption. Her first priority if elected will be to enact the broadest set of anti-corruption reforms since Watergate. I believe that without such reforms, positive change in other areas will be impossible.

  2. The heart of Warren’s agenda is a tax on accumulated wealth greater than $50 million. This plan would raise over $3 trillion in 10 years, giving us the resources we need to protect our environment, invest in education and job training, and ensure that every citizen’s basic needs are met. 

  3. Elizabeth Warren is not a career politician. After a 30-year career teaching law, she served as Chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel for the Troubled Asset Relied Program; special adviser to the Secretary of the Treasury; and founder of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. In 2011, she unseated a Republican incumbent and became the first female Senator in Massachusetts history. 

All this suggests to me that Elizabeth Warren is by far the best candidate. Last fall I collected signatures from Nelson County residents to ensure that her name would be on the primary ballot in Virginia. More recently, I have been making calls to voters in Iowa. When I talk about her anti-corruption platform to potential voters, I generally get a positive response. This gives me hope and confidence that we can elect a truly great President in November 2020.

Jean Majewski

For more information on the
Elizabeth Warren campaign, go to: