Nelson County Democratic Committee

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A Fellow Nelsonite Asks You To Consider Amy Klobuchar, Tuesday, March 3rd

Our first priority is to defeat Trump and take our country back. To me there is nothing more important than this.  Amy can do that because she’s a moderate with progressive ideas and can get votes from Democrats, Independents and dissatisfied Republicans alike. Her candidacy was built on a bipartisan record.

Amy is also an experienced and effective leader. She’s passed over 100 bills with bipartisan support and knows how the system works. Legislation on climate change, healthcare, and inequality will really happen because she knows how to get things done and is respected by Democrats and Republicans alike.

She cares about people and will unify and heal our country.

You may be worried that the race is over because three or four states have decided their delegates.  Far from it!  There are 3,979 Democratic delegates; the winner needs 1,991 for a majority. We've had three
(or four depending on when you read this) small-state caucus/primaries so far.  Bill Clinton lost Iowa, New Hampshire, and Nevada against a widefield of candidates.  He didn't win a state primary until the FIFTH race & took only one state out of seven on Super Tuesday before going on to become President

In addition to receiving endorsement from Creigh Deeds,  Klobuchar has been endorsed by The Seattle Times, San Francisco Chronicle, The New York Times, Houston Chronicle, Mercury News, East Bay Times and several other publications in Iowa and New Hampshire.  She's receiving wide

I hope you’ll vote for her. We need her! 

Click here for more information about Amy.

Ginny Newton