News Briefs

VIRGINIA STRENGTHENS VOTING — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signed a host of historic legislation into law to make voting easier. Making registration and absentee voting more accessible will help boost turnout in a year when coronavirus is causing long lines at the polls and risking public health.  

In 2018, Virginia was ranked one of the most difficult states in which to vote. “This legislation combats historic disenfranchisement of low-income communities and people of color. Voting is an essential right and it is our priority as a party to promote the democratic process in Virginia and expand the right to vote. No one should have to choose between voting and their paycheck or health,” said Democratic Party of Virginia Voter Protection & Expansion Director Alyssa Pooler. 

Legislation includes:  

  • HB1/SB111 “No Excuse Absentee” allows for in-person and by-mail absentee voting and removes the requirement to provide an excuse from a pre-approved list. 

  • HB238/SB455 allows for vote-by-mail where ballots postmarked on or by Election Day are to be counted. Vote-by-mail recently re-entered the national spotlight because of the need for social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic, highlighting the importance of this policy. 

  • HB19/SB65 eliminates the voter registration requirement for photo identification and expands acceptable forms of ID, allowing eligible voters who are less likely to carry photo ID to participate in the democratic process. 

  • HB108/SB601 makes Election Day a legal holiday, replacing Lee-Jackson Day, a move to increase turnout by allowing more workers to get time off to vote, or drive folks like the elderly to the polls. 

  • HB235/SB219 allows for automatic voter registration by any eligible voter applying for or updating their driver’s license or special identification cards at the Department of Motor Vehicles. 

  • HB201 removes the previous requirement that voters register 21 days before an election. Starting in 2022, voters can now register at their polling place on the day of the election. 

  • HB1053 requires any electronic voting system to retain each printed ballot cast. Paper trails allow for heightened election security and vote count verification in the event of technological failures on Election Day. 


BLUE WAVE CONTINUES -- Governor also signs: 

• The Virginia Values Act, prohibiting discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community. • The Clean Economy Act, requiring the transition to renewable energy by 2050. • A bill allowing localities to make decisions about Confederate monuments in their public spaces. • Several gun violence prevention bills, including universal background checks, one handgun a month, and substantial risk protective orders. • Criminal justice reform measures, such as raising the felony larceny threshold to $1,000 and ending suspension of driver’s licenses for inability to pay court costs/fees. • Legislation removing medically unnecessary restrictions on abortion counseling, practices and facilities, restoring a woman’s right to make choices about her health with her medical providers.   

CENSUS: SHAPE VIRGINIA'S FUTURE -- The results of the 2020 Census helps determine how billions of dollars in federal funding flow into communities every year for the next decade. That funding shapes many different aspects of every community, no matter the size, no matter the location. 

Census results influence infrastructure, public transit systems, and local education. It supports rural areas, restores wildlife, helps prevent child abuse, prepares for wildfires, and provides housing assistance for older adults. Census data also helps communities respond to natural disasters and secure funding for hospitals and fire departments. 

Please respond to the 2020 Census online at You can do it online, by phone, or by mail. If you don’t respond, the U.S. Census Bureau will follow up in person to collect your response.​  


SAVE THE POST OFFICE-- The U.S. Postal Service is once again under attack by Republicans who want to bankrupt the Postal Service and allow private equity firms and global corporations to privatize the service, dismantle the agency, and profit further off of the American people.  

Private companies won't deliver to certain remote areas because it's not profitable to do so, but the Postal Service is obligated to serve all Americans regardless of where they live— and, right now, the Postal Service is delivering lifesaving medications and food, supporting voting by mail in primary states, and helping other services necessary for our nation to continue to operate. 

The debate over a post office bailout, explained:  

BIDEN, TRUMP VIRGINIA DONATIONS -- The Virginia Public Access Project campaign finance reports show that after the 'Super Tuesday' primaries on March 3, Democratic donors from Virginia closed ranks behind former VP Joe Biden. In March, the presumed Democratic nominee raised more than $1 million from individuals with a Virginia address, compared to $137,000 for Republican President Donald Trump. 


PRESIDENTIAL CONVENTION DATE CHANGE – The DNC announced it is moving its presidential convention to the week of August 17. The decision comes after former VP & current Democratic frontrunner Joe Biden called for the convention to be postponed in light of the coronavirus pandemic. DNC officials are discussing ways to scale back the convention to maintain public safety.  


COVID UPDATE -- The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) reported as of April 27, 13,535 cases of COVID-19 in the state with seven cases in Nelson County. 80,180 people were tested. There were 458 deaths. Cases are still rising. The Governor said Virginia would begin to lift public restrictions once the percentages of positive tests per day and hospitalizations show sustained decline over 14 consecutive days, state officials said April 24. 


CRAB FEST UPDATE -- Tentatively rescheduled for Saturday, Sept. 12 at Mountain Cove Vineyard. NCDC will monitor the situation with COVID 19, and make a final decision in early August.  

Nelson Democrats