Nelson County Democratic Committee

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Here’s How to Cast Your Ballot for the June 23 Congressional Primary

The Virginia Department of Elections and the Virginia Department of Health encourage voters to protect their health during the COVID-19 pandemic. You may vote in person, but voting absentee is encouraged. 

If voting absentee, you may choose reason "2A My disability or illness" in the June elections due to COVID-19. No supporting information is required using “2A My disability or illness.” The June 23 Primary will be the last election when an excuse is needed.

If you choose the absentee option do it as soon as possible so you can get your ballot in time to return them by mail by Election Day.

 Also, the need to have a witness while voting absentee has been waived for this election. So, disregard the witness signature requirement if you believe you may not safely do so while completing your ballot.

To vote Absentee By-Mail, you must submit an application requesting an Absentee Ballot. It’s simple and easy. 

You can do this either online, by mail, by fax, or by email. Click here to start

Or, get started by contacting our Nelson County Registrar:

Jacqueline Britt
571 Front St., Lovingston

* Deadline to Request an Absentee Ballot to be mailed to you: Tues., June 16.
* Applications to vote absentee by-mail must be received by your Registrar, Tues., June 16 by 5 p.m. 
* Last Day to Vote Absentee In-Person: Sat., June 20 
* June Primaries at your usual polling station: Tues., June 23, 6 a.m. – 7 p.m. 
* Deadline to Return Absentee By-Mail Ballots: Tues., June 23 at 7 p.m. 
* Ballots must be received by registrar by 7 p.m. on Election Day

 See who’s on the ballot here

FOR THE NOV 3 ELECTION -- The Virginia General Assembly has decided to drop the absentee excuses altogether and allow early voting for any reason beginning with the November 3, 2020 election. (On April 12, 2020, Gov. Ralph Northam (D) signed HB1/SB111 into law, established no-excuse early voting 45 days prior to an election allowing anyone who might have trouble going to their polling place on Election Day — or anyone who just doesn’t like to wait in line — to cast their ballot early. The legislation will take effect in the November 3, 2020 election.)

 Please exercise your Constitutional right to vote! Every vote is needed!