Message from the Chair - September 2022

Our DemFest is next Saturday, September 10 @ 4:00 PM. You can still buy your tickets at any time, and you are welcome to just show up and pay at the door. We need everyone who can make it to come. If you know someone who would like to be there, but can’t afford the $30.00, please invite them and send me their name. Our sponsors have generously allowed me to give their extra tickets away and I still have a few. Here is the link to buy your tickets:

The large Throneburg signs have arrived, so this week and next I will be out and about setting them up. If you would like a yard sign, please let me know. We will have plenty of yard signs to take home at the DemFest.

We will also have Nelson Democrat and Throneburg T-shirts for sale at the Demfest. If you have already purchased a T-shirt, please wear it! Let’s celebrate our unity and strength.

On Saturday, September 17th starting at 10:00 AM a few of us will be participating in a district wide effort to help canvass Lynchburg. Please let me know if you would like to participate. We can meet and carpool from the Nelson Heritage Center. We are also canvassing aggressively in Nelson on Sundays. If you wish to join that effort, please contact Wisteria Johnson at

I want to send a special shout out to Bob & Chris Garsson, our social media stars. They are now leading a district wide social media effort and let me tell you our sister committees in the other rural counties are jealous we have such skills on our team.

In important local news, on Wednesday, September 7, at 2:00 the Nelson Board of Supervisors will hold a special meeting to discuss plans for the use of 306 acres the county recently purchased behind the Nelson High School. Please make time to attend this meeting.

I’m looking forward to seeing so many of you next Saturday.



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