Why Did I Get a Post Card to Verify My Voter Registration?

For inquiring minds that may or may not want to know the answer to that pressing question, the law requires that the office of the registrar send the postcards or similar notice letting you know that redistricting has occurred in the county, and where you should go to vote. In addition, this gives the county registrar a chance to make sure the information about each voter is correct and provides a mechanism to update the voter’s information if it has changed. If you received the postcard, check your information on the postcard. If the postcard has erroneous information about you, follow the directions on the card and correct the information using the online voter registration website www. elections.virginia.gov/register or call the registrar at 434 263 7190.  If you didn’t get a postcard confirming your registration and telling you where you are to vote, please also please go online or call the registrar.  Take the time to be sure you are registered to vote.

Ann Mische