Democrats Live Longer: Really!!!!

While not the fountain of youth, those living in predominantly Democratic States, as well as Democrats living in the same communities as Republicans have lower death rates than their Republican counterparts.  How can this be? I would like to say it is because we are pure of spirit and strong of heart but the answer is a bit more straightforward. 

The primary reason is the longstanding reluctance of the Republican Party to provide services to the underserved and vulnerable portions of our population.  More recently Public Health has become a part of the deep polarizing rift between the Democratic and Republican parties. 

The antivax movement has been endorsed by a number of Republican leaders who have also expressed a distrust in Public Health.  Eric Trump was a recent keynote speaker at an anti-vax conference.   On November 18, 2021 Bob Good said "At a time when Virginians are looking for strong and courageous leadership, I am calling on Governor-Elect Youngkin to stand in the gap and announce that on January 15th he will do everything within his power to prohibit vaccine mandates for all Virginians.”   Later in 2023 he called the COVID Pandemic a “Phony Pandemic” - a pandemic that resulted in over a million deaths in the U.S., 23,748 deaths in Virginia and over 300 deaths in his own district. Donald Trump is the first U.S. president to go on record with antivaccine opinions.  During the pandemic we all remember some of his choice recommendations that would have been great if he was a stand-up comic.  (Remember bleach and UV lights?) Prior to the COVID Pandemic, President Trump disbanded the office responsible for preparing for the next pandemic and cut funding to the CDC and NIH in his budget, particularly targeting chronic diseases.  Compared to other developed countries, we were embarrassingly ill prepared for the COVID pandemic. Many of the safeguards that were in place prior to his administration were discarded by the Trump Administration.  These later represented critical gaps that cost lives.   Trump ignored the initial public health data and told the American public that COVID was nothing to worry about even after it reached our shores.

Today, Republicans have blocked attempts to fund next generation vaccines and continued COVID funding.  Republicans have also filed litigation blocking the Biden Administrations’ attempt to stop those who are spreading health care/vaccine misinformation which places citizens at risk.   These policies make a difference. 

Even before COVID there was a difference. Health care improves over time – physicians get smarter! If you look the impact of health care between 2000 and 2019, those counties that voted Republican had a 11% decrease in overall mortality whereas those voting Democrat enjoyed a 22% reduction.  This difference was even greater in rural areas.  The rationale is that Democrat leadership is more likely to endorse improved access to health care, public health measures to prevent disease and gun control.  Historically Republican leadership has sought to block access to services for the most vulnerable and actively resist any gun control measures. 

Attributable to Trump and Republican rhetoric, Republicans have adopted a general mistrust in our public health agencies. In 2021 only 32% of Republicans expressed trust in the CDC, 28% in the NIH, 40% in Local Public Health agencies and 39% in State Public Health.  This led to reduced vaccination rates and resistance in adopting protective measures against COVID and other infectious diseases.   Comparing Dems and Republicans after the COVID vaccine was available, death rates were 15% higher in Republicans residing in the same states (Ohio and Florida) as Dems.  Similar differences were found comparing “red” vs “blue” States.  If you wanted to increase your chances to survive the pandemic GO BLUE. 

Beyond the pandemic, during the Trump administration, attempts to repeal the affordable care act failed but did succeed in weaking coverage resulting in an increase of up to 3 million uninsured people and making insurance available to many unaffordable. 

With the adoption of the Affordable Care Act and Medicare Expansion, a number of red states refused to enroll in this expanded eligibility, even though this would increase heath care available to their more vulnerable citizens without a significant fiscal burden to the State.  A number of researchers examined the impact of that decision.  Non-expansion states had higher overall mortality rates and slower access to care.  Expansion States enjoyed better access to care, lower death rates and an improvement in self reported health assessments.   In the first 4 years of the expansion program, The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities estimated that expansion saved 19,000 lives in adults 55-64 and conversely resulted in the premature deaths of 15,600 older adults in those States electing not to expand Medicare.  IN VIRGINIA, IT IS ON LY AFTER WE ACHIEVED A DEMOCRATIC MAJORITY, that we became an expansion State.  For Democrats, everyone should have access to quality health care.  For Republicans it’s only those who can afford it. 

We are far from enjoying the ideal health care system, but there is only one political party that will move us forward to that goal – vote Democrat.  For those who continue to have difficulty finding affordable health care there are a few options in this area.  The Blue Ridge Medical Center, located in Lovingston with branches in Amherst, Appomattox and Arrington, offers a wide range of health care on a sliding scale based on income. There are also a number of free clinics in the area for those without insurance which can be found at:



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