Nelson County Democratic Committee

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Interview with Gloria Witt: Primary Candidate for the 5th Congressional District

What do you see as the five most important issues facing Congress right now?

  1. Democracy is on the ballot – civil rights and freedoms.
    I support the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act which restores the protections removed by the Supreme Court in the current Voting Rights Act by:

    Modernizing the VRA’s formula determining which states and localities have a pattern of discrimination;

    Ensuring that last-minute voting changes do not adversely affect voters by requiring officials to publicly announce all voting changes at least 180 days before an election; and

    Expanding the government’s authority to send federal observers to any jurisdiction where there may be a substantial risk of discrimination at the polls on Election Day or during an early voting period.

  2.  Education – public education (career technical skills for all) and student debt   push using community college with skills

  3. Healthcare – access to healthcare, continue to lower the cost of prescription drugs, and access to women’s reproductive health, maintain Affordable Healthcare Care, Medicare & Medicaid and women’s reproductive rights.

  4. Climate – expansion of renewal energy, support the transition to electric cars over time, and investment in reforestation and advance innovative agricultural solutions. 

  5.  Economic Growth – Preserving Social Security – billionaires pay their fair share and business expansion to provide living wage jobs through the availability of a skilled workforce developed during k-12 public school education.

 What do you see as Congress’ role is addressing women’s health care issues and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue? Codify Roe. Vs. Wade by passing the Women’s Health Protection Act to restore the fundamental right of a woman to have domain over her body and healthcare.

What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing education and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

Invest in expanding career technical skill in k-12 public schools so that every graduate leaves high school with a career technical skill that can position them to make a living wage; especially those not going to a 2-year / 4-year institution or the military. Focus on trades (construction, electrical, HVAC, etc.) to address our housing crisis, advanced manufacturing, and healthcare workforce needs. Doing so would provide a skilled workforce for local businesses to expand and attract new businesses to the community.  

What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing climate change and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

Continue to invest in renewable energy alternatives (wind, solar, nuclear, etc.), electric vehicle transition, and reforestation and agricultural solutions that advance biodiversity.

What do you see as Congress’ role, if any in addressing gun control and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

I support the 2nd Amendment and the right to bear arms.  However, as a nation, we need to pass legislation to register guns and to ban assault weapons. In addition, we need to expand red flag laws across the country and waiting periods.

 What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing the wars in Ukraine and in Gaza and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issues?

I believe we need to support Ukraine with military aid and humanitarian assistance.  If Russia wins the war and gains control of Ukraine, Russia will continue its expansion into Poland.  If Russia enters Poland, American lives will be at risk to protect its ally.

 Israel and Gaza – At this point Israel is committing genocide and we need to continue to send humanitarian aid. I support the steps that the Biden Administration has taken to focus on negotiating a cease fire and withholding of aid if Israel enters Rafah. Our relationship with Israel is in a delicate place since Israel is our ally in the Middle East; however, I would support a long-term peaceful solution for a two-state solution.

 Learn More About Gloria’s Background