Interview with Paul Riley, Primary Candidate for 5th Congressional District

What do you see as the five most important issues facing Congress right now?

  1. Economy: The top concern for individuals is inflation and wages. It's crucial to maintain a focus on keeping workers' wages ahead of inflation to address this concern effectively.

  2.  Women’s Health and Rights: It is imperative to enshrine in federal law the right of women to determine their own reproductive rights and healthcare choices. We must enhance and broaden the Affordable Care Act (ACA) while steadfastly resisting any efforts to dismantle it.

  3.  Taxes:  The tax cuts implemented by Republicans have contributed to a $10 trillion increase in the national debt, with this figure continuing to rise. To address this, we need a comprehensive overhaul of our current tax system. This overhaul should involve consolidating taxes on gifts, estates, income, corporations, and shareholder-level income into a single, cohesive tax structure. By doing so, we can eliminate the loopholes exploited by wealthy individuals to evade taxes. Furthermore, it's essential to equalize tax rates between ordinary income and capital gains income, rather than taxing capital gains at a lower rate. Removing the cap on social security taxes would ensure that high-income earners contribute to the tax on all their income. Additionally, increasing IRS audits for individuals earning more than $500,000 would help ensure tax compliance and fairness.

  4.  Education: I propose introducing a nationwide scholarship program offering full scholarships to students pursuing both their degree and teaching credentials. In exchange, participants commit to teaching for a period of five years. Additionally, we could establish a home loan program similar to the VA home loan, which would minimize down payment requirements, streamline the application process, and benefit from federal backing.

  5.   Social Security: We must address the Social Security Number (SSN) issue urgently, rather than waiting until 2034 when the fund is forecasted to deplete. An immediate action is to eliminate the maximum taxable wage base and levy taxes on all wages. Additionally, we should revise the current method of adjusting benefits. Transitioning to the chained price index could resolve approximately one-fifth of the fund's long-term deficit. Moreover, augmenting the number of legal immigrants would contribute additional SSN taxes to the fund, providing further support.

What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing women’s health care issues and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

I firmly uphold women's constitutional right to make autonomous decisions concerning their bodies, free from unwarranted government interference. It is my steadfast belief that governmental bodies should not wield authority over the deeply personal choices women make about their lives. I am resolute in my dedication to protecting and advocating for women's reproductive rights, ensuring that they maintain the liberty to make decisions that reflect their unique circumstances. Introducing the Women’s Health and Equality Rights Act (WHERA) will be my initial legislative priority.

What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing education and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

Although education is not explicitly addressed in the U.S. Constitution, the federal government assumes a crucial role in shaping legislation and standards, allocating funding, and guaranteeing equitable access to quality education for all students. Education represents a collaborative endeavor involving the federal government, states, and local school districts, all pooling resources, and efforts to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary for success. This is essential for continued advancement in the 21st Century. 

What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing climate change and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

It's crucial for Congress to take immediate action by implementing regulations aimed at reducing methane gas emissions from the oil and gas industry and strengthening fuel efficiency and emission standards. Additionally, the government should collaborate with clean energy companies to invest in innovative technologies, such as CO2 capture plants, solar farms, safe hydrogen engines, and high-speed electric rail. Finally, concerted efforts should be made to partner with developing nations to decrease or eliminate their reliance on fossil fuels.

What do you see as Congress’ role, if any, in addressing gun control and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issue?

The government bears an inherent responsibility to regulate firearms, as emphasized in the initial segment of the Second Amendment, which references a "well-regulated Militia." There exist several practical measures to address the epidemic of gun violence. These include prohibiting high-capacity magazines and banning bump stocks and similar conversion devices. Furthermore, it is essential to introduce a national gun safety course, implement a 14-day waiting period, and raise the minimum age for firearm purchases from 18 to 21.

What do you see as Congress’ role in addressing the wars in Ukraine and in Gaza and what do you view as a proper legislative “fix” to address the issues?
The United States must maintain its support for Ukraine, as it strives to prevail in this conflict and counter Putin's aggressive actions against its neighbors. Putin's intentions are evident, as he has expressed his willingness to extend his aggression beyond Ukraine to include Moldova and the Baltic States. It is imperative for the international community to stand with Ukraine and deter further aggression from Russia.

Israel stands as a vital ally in the region; nevertheless, it's crucial to ensure that US-provided munitions are not used in ways that may lead to human rights violations against Palestinians. I endorse President Biden's decision to suspend offensive military aid to Israel. Presently, the United States risks aligning itself unfavorably with history. While Israel perceives itself facing existential threats and asserts its independence, it's incumbent upon the US to utilize its influence to advocate for the establishment of a dedicated Palestinian State, including reclaiming control of lands lost during conflicts. Choosing the hard right path over the easy wrong is paramount. Gaza is currently enduring a humanitarian crisis that demands attention and action.

 Learn More About Paul’s Background

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