5 Ways to Stand Up for Democracy
Connie Brennan, Chair NCDC
What a great Democratic National Convention it was this year. So much excitement and yes, JOY! Our candidate for president, Kamala Harris, will continue to work to better the lives of all Americans and will make us a proud and respected leader in the global community. In her triumphant acceptance speech, she truly proved herself to be the president and the patriot this country needs.
I said last month that I am so proud to be a Democrat, and today, I am so PROUD to be an American!
But no matter how elated we all were by such an inspiring convention, we need to make sure that momentum and excitement carries over to Election Day. There’s no way any of us want to relive the national nightmare that was Trump’s presidency, particularly since another four years promises to inflict so much more damage on the country.
With 10 weeks to go, not one of us can afford to take the outcome for granted. I know it seems as if we’re in a good place. Our aging opponent appears to be self-imploding, enthusiasm for Harris-Walz is sky high (with good reason!), and Republicans are choosing country over party in unprecedented numbers.
What we don’t want, however, is a repeat of 2016, when Hillary was the frontrunner in the days leading up to the election. Back then, when a Democratic victory seemed so certain, did we work as hard as we should have? Did some of us stay home because we assumed our vote wouldn’t matter? Were votes cast for a third-party candidate because “Hillary doesn’t need my vote”?
I know I’m preaching to the choir here, but as Tim Walz says, “the choir needs to sing.” And that means doing everything we can to support our Democratic ticket: Kamala and Tim; Tim Kaine for re-election to the U.S. Senate; and Gloria Witt for the U.S. House. Our democracy depends on all of them winning.
Here are 5 ways to stand up for your freedoms now:
1. Make a plan to vote – absentee, early in-person, or at your polling place on Nov. 5. Get details here. Then be sure to vote!
2. Talk to friends, families, and neighbors about why you’re supporting the Democratic ticket. Speak from the heart, talk about the good Democrats are doing, and remind them that in this presidential election, we’re all coming together as patriots.
3. Volunteer for one of the campaigns. Find links here.
4. This is so easy yet can be so effective — with the click of a button follow the candidates on social media. Harris/Walz; Tim Kaine; Gloria Witt
5. And last but certainly not least, find more options under “Get Involved” at www.bluenelson.org/, and share the link so friends and family can subscribe to our timely newsletters.
DemFest 2024!
Our 2024 DemFest social and fundraiser at the Nelson Heritage Center on Sept. 14 is right around the corner, so get inspired, get fed, and hear from political leaders like U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine! Tickets here.