Vote Because Your Freedom Depends On It: An Interview with Edith Napier

You’re a lifelong citizen of Nelson County who is well-known for community involvement, what do you think of President Biden stepping out of the Presidential race and the enthusiasm for Vice President Harris?

 I appreciate the years of public service and leadership that President Biden has given to this great country.  I highly respect him for putting the good of the country ahead of his personal desires and stepping down.  America is ready and is whole heartedly endorsing Vice President Harris for President.  She has the experience, the knowledge and ability to be President of the United States of America and America is ready for her.

Why do you believe it is so important to vote in the upcoming election?

 It is important to vote in every election because people like my father and my mother fought so hard and risked so much to secure the right to vote for every citizen. In recognition of these sacrifices, I believe every citizen should exercise their right to vote at every opportunity. This election is particularly important because voters can say clearly with their votes that they are looking for leaders with strong moral values who are honest, trustworthy, and respectful and willing to obey the law.

Why is it important to vote Democratic in this election?

Everyone should be clear on what they stand for and then look at the issues that matter to them and where each candidate stands on those issues. If they do that, they will see the Democratic approach is more inclusive and designed to help all citizens, not just a privileged few. Most importantly vote the issues not the person.

What issues in this election are motivating you to vote Democratic?

 I will vote Democratic this year because of the issues of preserving the democratic process, women’s reproductive rights, and climate change.

Protecting the democratic process is essential to me and I know that the Democratic party stands for that belief.  As I watched what was happening on January 6, I thought I was watching events in a foreign country, not the United States of America. I could not believe what I was seeing – the Capitol being assaulted, and police officers being attacked. It’s unbelievable that many of the MAGA Republicans continue to deny it happened or claim it happened some other way.  Their version of January 6 is a complete distortion of the facts that we all witnessed unfold live that day.

 The fact that Roe v Wade was overturned is particularly disappointing to me because I believe a woman should have the right to decide what happens to her health and her body.  It’s unbelievable that a small group of mostly men think the government should make these decisions for women. The Democrats are already taking steps toward protecting women’s reproductive rights with bills like the Right to Contraception’s Act, which unfortunately failed last session but that will be a focus in the future for Democrats.

 Climate change is another important issue for me. We are already witnessing how climate change is negatively impacting us and if we do not do more to address this issue, the impact will be even greater. Just look at the recent weather events that are causing flooding and draught around the world.  We must continue to find ways to address these changes and whenever possible reduce the impact. Democrats took steps in that direction with specific provisions of the  Inflation Reduction Act, which are already helping to address climate issues.

Why do you think it’s important for Nelson County citizens to vote for the Democrat candidates on this year’s ballot?

 I go back to “vote the issues.” Vote for what the candidates stand for, not just the person. We cannot have leaders who lie, cheat, and steal and then brag about it. I sincerely believe that we must pick leaders who, not only the American people can look up and respect, but who other countries will respect as well. We need to be respected, not feared, for our strength, knowledge, and power. We need leaders who have demonstrated their ability to do their jobs with honesty, integrity, toughness, and compassion.

Which of the current administration’s accomplishments to date do you think are most important to the residents of Nelson County? Why?

 The Infrastructure Act is very important to Nelson County as well as the rest of the country. For a long time, we had not repaired or replaced roads, streets, and bridges. Nelson County like other communities, relies on our roadways to provide services and to connect us with the rest of the country.  In addition, infrastructure projects are being funded that will help revitalize rural communities like ours. For example, Nelson County just received a $2.5 million grant for sidewalk improvements in Lovingston. This infrastructure improvement will go a long way to help spur economic development in the Lovingston area.

 I think it was also important that the Democrats tried to pass Immigration legislation in the last session. While not perfect, it would have gone a long way toward addressing immigration issues.  Unfortunately, it was rejected by the MAGA Republicans because former President Trump did not want Democrats and the American people to have a win on immigration. It was a purely self-serving act on the part of Trump and the MAGA Republicans.

 The efforts to lower the cost of prescriptions drugs and preserving the Affordable Care Act are also very important to all of us here in Nelson County and around the country. I think capping insulin prices at $35 for those on Medicare and getting drug companies to agree to honor that pricing for those covered by other insurance has had a significant economic impact for citizens of Nelson County and the nation.

Of the things the Democrats plan to tackle in the next administration, which are most important for Nelson County and why?

 The things that are important for the citizens of Nelson County are the same things that are important to most citizens in the United States.

 I’m most interested in Democratic plans to continue to reduce inflation, improve infrastructure, promote job growth, and protect the democratic process. I believe Democratic leaders will continue to work on these issues, while bringing integrity to their offices and securing the respect of our allies. I also think that it’s important that Democrats protect voting rights by passing the  John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2023 (H.R. 14) because we should be removing barriers to voting, not adding barriers to voting as we are now witnessing in many states.  

 A vote is a powerful, powerful tool and we need to entrust the citizens with this tool so they can make the best decisions for our country and keep democracy alive.

 How do we get people to vote?

 Citizens’ faith needs to be restored in the democratic process and power of the vote.  Some people have not voted because they think their vote doesn’t matter anymore.  When they observe different standards for different people based on income, position or the color of their skin, they feel disenfranchised. What the world saw on January 6, was citizens who disagreed with the results of a legitimate election calling for and using violence against our elected officials. Slowly but surely, these people are now being held accountable.  Citizens will be motivated to vote and get involved when they see these individuals, no matter their position, being held accountable.

 Also, HOPE is a powerful tool and so many citizens have lost hope.  Our leaders need to start talking more about the reasons to be hopeful given the policies that are working and the plans for the future.

Do you have anything else you would like to say to your fellow citizens?

 Make sure you vote, make sure you vote in November – The U.S. deserves honest, upstanding, trustworthy leaders. We need elected officials we can all be proud to call our President, Senator, or Representative. None of us should want a convicted felon in any of these positions.

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