Summary of the Board Of Supervisors Meeting in August


August 13, 2024 2 PM

Present:   Supervisors Jesse Rutherford, David Parr, and Jessica Ligon.  Absent: Supervisors Tommy Harvey, and Ernest Reed


A Moment of Silence was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.


Robert Gubisch – Discussed the water solutions presented at the prior board meeting and addressed how the response to Covid crisis was not supported by the science and had done great emotional and educational damage to Nelson children.

 Michele Regine – Reported that she was aware from the publicized remarks of Governor Youngkin, that beginning on July 10, 2024, the localities can set their own speed limits within their jurisdictions. Ms. Regine referenced parts of Routes 6 and 151 (Nellysford and around Ashley’s) where the speeds need to be reduced. Mr. Brown from VDOT corrected that legislative information, during his VDOT report, saying that localities can only reduce speed limits which are already posted at 25 mph or below.

 William Pearcy – reiterated the need for speed cameras in school zones. He also complimented VDOT on the 6 year highway plan. He encourages VDOT to go through with the overpass suggestion on Route 29.

 III. CONSENT AGENDA: The following resolutions were unanimously approved:

 A. Resolution – R2024-57 Minutes for Approval: the minutes for March 22, 2024 were approved.

 B. Resolution – R2024-58 Budget Amendment was unanimously approved which provided for the following:

I. Appropriation of Funds (General Fund)

Amount Revenue Account (-) Expenditure Account (+)

$ 12,830.00     3-100-002404-0003   4-100-013010-5413

$ 4,718.00        3-100-002404-0017   4-100-021060-3160

$ 10,310.00      3-100-002404-0017   4-100-021060-3160

$ 1,833.00        3-100-002404-0034   4-100-031020-1014

$ 364.00           3-100-002404-0034   4-100-031020-1014

$ 30,720.00      3-100-003303-0025   4-100-031020-7045

$ 93,000.00      3-100-001899-0030   4-100-081020-7056

$ 7,257.00        3-100-009999-0001   4-100-081050-3010

$ 3,983.34        3-100-001899-0008   4-100-091030-5202

$ 1,250.00        3-100-009999-0001   4-100-091030-5656

$ 18,000.00      3-100-002404-0061   4-100-999000-9905

$ 379,582.00    3-100-009999-0001   4-100-093100-9203


$ 563,847.34

II. Reappropriation of Funds (School Fund)

Amount           Revenue Account (-) Expenditure Account (+)

$ 379,582.00   3-205-004105-0001    4-205-061100-9301


$ 379,582.00

III. Transfer of Funds (General Fund Contingency)

Amount           Credit Account (-)      Debit Account (+)

$ 2 5,000.00    4-100-999000-9901    4-100-022010-1003

$ 10,240.00     4-100-999000-9905    4-100-031020-7045

$ 1,000.00 4-   100-999000-9905 4-   100-091030-5604


$ 3 6,240.00


The County attorney explained the BUDGET AMENDMENT, reporting “Appropriations are the addition of unbudgeted funds received or held by the County for use within the current fiscal year budget. These funds increase the budget bottom line. The General Fund Appropriations of $563,847.34 include requests of (1) $12,830.00 appropriation requested for Department of Elections FY25 Election Grant Equipment award for Ballot on Demand Printers; (2)(3) $4,718.00 + $10,310.00 appropriation requests for FY24 Circuit Court Records Preservation (CCRP) Grant funds to be received/expended in FY25; (4)(5) $1,833.00 + $364.00 appropriation request for Sheriff's Temporary Detention Order & Emergency Custody Order (TDO & ECO) transport funding for May/June, FY24; (6) $30,720.00 appropriation request for Sheriff's Department FY25 DCJS Byrne/Justice Assistance Grant Program award of $40,960.00 (75% federal award with 25% local match); (7) $93,000.00 appropriation is requested for FY25 Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) funding for the GO Virginia Wine Industry Planning Grant; (8) $7,257.00 requested reappropriation of unused FY24 Agriculture and Forestry Infrastructure Development (AFID) Grant funds for use in FY25; (9) $3,983.34 to appropriate FY25 OPIOID Abatement Settlement funds received in FY25 above budgeted revenue for FY25; (10) $1,250.00 request to reappropriate Piedmont Habitat for Humanity unused budgeted FY24 allocation for use in FY25; (11) $18,000.00 request to appropriate Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC) Stars & Spurs at Oak Ridge grant revenue received in FY25; spent in FY24, increases NR contingency; (12) $379,582.00 request of FY24 School revenue from the All In Virginia Plan received in FY24 to be reappropriated (from County fund balance) forexpenditure in FY25.

 Reappropriated funds are approved, unexpended in a prior fiscal year, then appropriated for use in the current fiscal year budget. A School Fund reappropriation request from the General Fund to the School Fund in the amount of $379,582.00 is requested for FY24 All in Virginia Plan revenue received in FY24 to be expended in FY25-FY26.

Reappropriation amounts of prior year funds received are not duplicated and do not affect the monthly 1% allowance limit when included in total appropriations for the period.

Transfers represent funds that are already appropriated in the budget, but are moved from one line item to another. Transfers do not affect the bottom line of the budget. Transfers from General Fund Contingencies in the amount of $36,240.00 are reflected in (1) $25,000.00 transfer from Recurring Contingency for the Commonwealth's Attorney Body Worn Camera MOU additional part-time Assistant Commonwealth Attorney personnel expense as approved by the Board of Supervisors on July 9, 2024 by Resolution R2024-51; (2) $10,240.00 transfer is requested from Non-Recurring Contingency to cover the 25% local match requirement of the FY25 Byrne/Justice Assistance Grant Program; (3) $1,000.00 is requested from Non-Recurring Contingency in annual support of the Dolly Parton Imagination Library program approved by the Board of Supervisors in FY23. Following approval of these expenditures, the balance of Recurring Contingency would be $587,438.00. The balance of Non-Recurring Contingency would be $669,754.00.”


A. VDOT Report: the following written report was emailed to Candy McGarry by Robert Brown of VDOT:

            “This is to follow up on the Boards request for VDOT to study traffic on Rte. 29 at the High/Middle School complex. Specifically, review to determine if there are any measures that could be taken to create gaps in traffic so buses/vehicles can exit school more quickly. As you know VDOT installed portable cameras to record traffic movements near the main school entrance to see the issue in real time.  Based on reviewing camera footage, VDOT Traffic Engineer's are not recommending any changes at this time. Please see their comments below:

  ‘ Regarding the issue about creating gaps in traffic for Nelson County High School – we reviewed camera footage (we placed a camera at the location) and noticed they have a police officer controlling traffic for the afternoon departure. Quite frankly, this is the only way they will be able to get folks out of the school reasonably and safely. During the morning hours, where we did not notice a police officer directing traffic, gaps in traffic are not has much of a concern since traffic is entering the school. We did discuss the possibility of changing timings at the signal to create larger gaps, however, this signal is almost two miles away so any platoons created by the signal will be mostly dissipated by the time they get to the high school. There have been 8 crashes since 2006 and the last reportable crash was in 2017. As stated earlier, due to the number of buses, parents and students leaving in the afternoon, handling this location with law enforcement is the best option. At this time, we are not recommending any changes.’ “

             Mr. Brown addressed the board in person and reported on the repairs and clean up from last week’s storm. Two roads were closed on Monday, only one (Rt. 625) remains closed as of the meeting due to damage to a bridge but VDOT hopes to reopen today, the 13th. Issues such as washouts, erosion, debris, clogged pipes, pipes that are covered etc. have affected the rest of the county, mostly around Schuyler. VDOT is working on those issues and crews have been brought in from Campbell and Appomattox County to help.

Mr. Brown further reported that the cutting of vegetation on two lane roads is almost completed. Mr. Brown said that he would forward to the board information on the legislation referenced in the public comments (about possible speed reductions by localities). In response to questions by the supervisors, Mr. Brown agreed that he would prepare a list of the roads in Nelson which have posted speeds of 25. There aren’t many.  Supervisor Rutherford thanked Mr. Brown for VDOTs speedy response to the storm damage and asked Mr. Brown to contact him on some specific roads. Mr. Brown reported Whippoorwill Road repairs  and improvements will require the acquisition of some expensive right of ways. Supervisor Parr acknowledged the problems VDOT faced with snakes brought out by the storm.

            Candace McGarry asked about the email report on the traffic study. Mr. Brown said the report was what it said and opined that there didn’t seem to be much more that could be done.

 B. Departmental Report – Animal Control: Kevin Wright from Animal Control provided the July 2024 written monthly report set forth below to the Board.

            He pointed out that the work of Animal Control is structured   and scheduled  out of their trucks and it is apparent that the citizenry knows very little about what Animal Control does.  The department is trying to make the county residents aware of what the department does through social media and appreciates enormously what the sheriff’s office has done to help publicize what Animal Control’s duties and responsibilities are and how they are executed, The Board thanked Animal Control for its work

The written report from Animal Control supplied to the Board is as follows:







(4) 3-43 K9 @ LARGE



A. Lovingston Sewer Project Support Agreement (R2024-59): The Board unanimously voted to approve the Resolution set out below, after hearing the power point presentation of the Service Authority which appears below the resolution.

“WHEREAS, pursuant to the Virginia Water and Waste Authorities Act, Chapter 51, Title 15.2, Code of Virginia of 1950, as amended (the “Act”), the Board of Supervisors of Nelson County, Virginia (the “Board”) created the Nelson County Service Authority (the “Authority”);and

WHEREAS, the Authority is empowered to acquire, purchase, lease, construct, reconstruct, improve, extend, operate, maintain, and finance water and wastewater systems, and to otherwise have, possess, and exercise the powers granted by the Act and as otherwise authorized or permitted by law; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to the Act, the Authority is empowered to pledge for the payment of principal and interest on its revenue bonds the revenues of such water and wastewater systems, or any portion thereof, so long as the full faith and credit of the Commonwealth of Virginia, the County of Nelson, Virginia (the “County”), or any other political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia are not pledged to the payment of such bonds; and

WHEREAS, the Authority desires to obtain long-term financing to provide funds to pay all or any portion of the capital costs, including for the payment or reimbursement of principal and interest accrued for interim financing, to (i) acquire, construct, rehabilitate, and equip various improvements to the Authority’s wastewater (sewer) collection and treatment system andfacilities related thereto, including in the Lovingston area, and (ii) pay issuance costs in connection with such undertakings (collectively, the “Project”); and

WHEREAS, the United States of America, acting through Rural Utilities Service, an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (“RUS”) has offered to purchase a not t exceed $641,000 Nelson County Service Authority Wastewater Revenue Bond (Lovingston Sewer Project) (the “Authority Bond”) to provide the permanent financing needed by the Authority to pay all or any portion of the costs of the Project on the terms and conditions described in that certain RUS Letter of Conditions, dated February 14, 2024 (the “Letter of Conditions”); and

WHEREAS, in the Letter of Conditions, RUS advised that the Authority is eligible for RUS grants not to exceed $1,594,000; and WHEREAS, the Board of the Authority met on July 18, 2024 and authorized issuance of the Authority Bond for the Project, among other approvals, and requested that this Board approve a Support Agreement providing for a non-binding obligation of the Board to appropriate sufficient amounts to the Authority in connection to the payment obligations of the Authority under the Authority Bond and the funding and maintenance of a Debt Service Reserve Fund, as set forth in the Letter of Conditions; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Supervisors of Nelson

County Virginia, as follows:

1. The Board, acting as the governing body of the County, hereby approves the execution and delivery of a Support Agreement by the County, to be dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Authority Bond to RUS (the “Support Agreement”), in connection with the undertakings of the Authority under the Authority Bond. The Chair or Vice Chair of the Board, or the County Administrator, any one or more of whom may act (whether individually or collectively, the “County Representative”), are each hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver the Support Agreement substantially in the form attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, which form is hereby approved.

To such end, the Board hereby covenants and agrees to undertake a non-binding obligation to appropriate such amounts as may be requested from time to time, if any, in order to pay the debt service on the Authority Bond and other payment obligations of the Authority related to the Authority Bond, including the funding and maintenance of the Debt Service Reserve Fund described in the Letter of Conditions. Such moral obligation pledge of the County in connection with the Authority Bond is hereby approved and made to the fullest degree and in such manner as is consistent with the Constitution of Virginia and laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia, provided, however, that such pledge shall not be deemed to be a lending of the credit of the County to RUS or to any other person or entity or otherwise deemed to be a pledge of the faith and credit or the taxing power of the County, and such pledge shall not bind or obligate the Board or any future Board to appropriate funds for such purposes or otherwise in connection with the Authority Bond.

2. The County Representative and such officers, employees, and agents of the County as any one or more of them may designate, are each authorized and directed to execute and deliver any and all additional instruments, certificates, and other documents as may be necessary or convenient in order to carry out the purposes of this Resolution, all as may be advised by legal counsel.

3. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon its adoption.”


B.  Rose Solar Waiver of 60-Day Hearing Requirement: Wild Rose Solar Project LLC  file through its counsel an  appeal of the Planning Commission’s adverse determination. Dylan Bishop explained what was involved (see summary below) and indicated that all that was requested at this time was a consensus that the 60 day hearing requirement be waived. That consensus was given without objection from any of the Board Members.

 Wild Rose Solar Project, LLC (“Applicant”), on behalf of itself and Weyerhaeuser Company and Joe and Bobby Hickey (“Landowners”), filed an Appeal of the Planning Commission’s  adverse determination and “respectfully requests that the Board of Supervisors of Nelson County ‘overrule the Planning Commission’s determination that Applicant’s proposed project is not substantially in accord with the Comprehensive Plan.’” The Commission voted 4-1 to find the Project not substantially in accord with the Comprehensive Plan. Counsel for the applicants listed above filed the appeal and by letter to the Board stated that “In the spirit of cooperation, and to allow sufficient time to meet, discuss and negotiate a siting agreement, Applicant is willing to waive the 60-day appeal hearing period. While the Applicant agrees to waive the 60-day appeal hearing period, the Applicant requests that the appeal be heard during the same Board of Supervisors meeting as the Special Use Permit and Siting Agreement.”

 C. Forgiveness of $50,000 Rockfish Valley Fire & Rescue Loan (R2024-60): The Board unanimously approved the Resolution set forth below.  The write off of the loan was in lieu of Wintergreen paying $50,000 to Rockfish Fire and Rescue for the purchase of an ambulance. On March 15, 2024 reported Ms. McGarry reported to the Board  that …”Curtis Sheets had proposed purchasing an ambulance from Rockfish Fire and Rescue. She noted that the cost would be $50,000 but instead of having in outlay $50,000, Mr. Sheets had proposed that the Board consider relieving $50,000 from Rockfish’s current loan. She explained that they would not be spending $50,000 but they would be writing it off. She then noted that the ambulance would need to have a new power cot and lift. She noted that the funds for the cot and lift were included in the Emergency Vehicle line with the Faber fire truck amount. Ms. McGarry indicated that they would be putting off a new ambulance for a year.”


WHEREAS, in lieu of purchasing a new ambulance for Nelson’s EMS program (NEMS) in Fiscal Year 2024/2025, Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire and Rescue is transitioning their unit Rockfish 56 into the NEMS fleet; and

WHEREAS, at the March 15, 2024 FY24/25 budget work session, staff and the Board discussed that instead of paying $50,000 for unit 56, Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire and Rescue would be forgiven of $50,000 from their interest free loan from the County, which is known to have a current outstanding balance of $145,312.50;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Nelson County Board of Supervisors that in consideration of incorporating Rockfish unit 56 into the NEMS fleet, Rockfish Valley Volunteer Fire and Rescue is hereby formally forgiven of $50,000 from their interest free loan and the Treasurer is requested to reduce their outstanding loan balance in the amount of $50,000 and effect any documentation and General Ledger entries necessary to reflect this directive.”

 D. Rescheduling of November 2024 Regular Meeting (R2024-61): The Board voted unanimously to approve the change of the November Board meeting for the Thursday following the election, stating:

“WHEREAS, the Nelson County Board of Supervisors hereby establishes that an alternate date for the Board’s regular monthly meeting on November 12, 2024 is necessary due to the attendance of some members of said governing body at the annual conference of the Virginia Association of Counties through November 12, 2024;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Nelson County Board of Supervisors pursuant

to§15.2-1416 (Regular meetings) of the Code of Virginia that the regular meeting of the Board on Tuesday, November 12, 2024 be and hereby is rescheduled to Thursday, November 14, 2024.”

 The time of the meeting on November 14, 2024 will be determine at a later time.

 E. Authorization for Acceptance of Conveyance of Callohill Property (R2024-62).  The Board unanimously approved the following:

 “BE IT RESOLVED, the Nelson County Board of Supervisors does hereby approve and accept the conveyance of real estate from Denise Kilmer, Executor of the Estate of Stephen B. Birchell, and Trustee of the Stephen B. Birchell Trust, and McGhee Family L.L.C. for the parcel being Tax Map Number 57-A-34K and described as: “All that certain tract or parcel of land, with improvements thereon and appurtenances thereto belonging, situated in the Lovingston Magisterial District of Nelson County, Virginia, containing Two and thirty-seven hundredths (2.37) acres, more or less, with said lands fronting on U.S. Route #29 and Callohill Drive”; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, by the Nelson County Board of Supervisors that the County Administrator, Candice W. McGarry, and the County Attorney, Philip D. Payne, IV, be and hereby are authorized to accept the deed of conveyance thereof in consideration of the sum of $90,000.00.”


A. Reports

1. County Administrator’s Report: The County Administrator Candace McGarry provided the following report:

A.   Route 151 Speed Study Results Meeting:  A date for this meeting is in process; VDOT is trying to coordinate dates that work for their staff.

 B.    NCSA Lovingston Sewer Rehabilitation Project: Provided favorable consideration of Agenda Item V A, a project announcement ceremony sponsored by USDA Rural Development and the Service Authority in collaboration with the Board of Supervisors, is planned for 11am on August 20, 2024 at the Courthouse Complex. RSVPs are requested by August 16th.

 C.   Regional Planning Grant for Digital Inclusion Grant Proposal: Nelson, along with our TJPDC regional partners are invited to participate in a regional application to the Department of Housing and Community Development for a planning grant that would enable the participating parties to seek federally funded Digital Inclusion grant funds and Broadband Equity Access and Deployment funds of which over $500 Million will be available over the next few years. Albemarle County’s Broadband Accessibility and Affordability Office will be the lead applicant/grant manager and participating localities would work with a hired consultant to facilitate their conduct of focus groups and stakeholder interviews regarding broadband access, connectivity, and affordability. Authorization to sign a multi-jurisdictional MOU to apply for the planning grant is requested. (See Attached)

 D.   VACo Regional Meeting (Virtual): Our virtual Regional VACo meeting is Monday, August 19th, where 2025 legislative issues will be discussed in order to help VACo develop its 2025 Legislative Program. Please send me any legislative issues affecting Nelson that you would like me to share before then.

 E.    Regional Jail:

 Expansion: The project is in the schematic design phase and updated project costs are $49,005,385 vs. the concept design estimate of $49,021,414. In the next four (4) months the following steps will take place: September: Pre-qualification of General Contractors and design development submission and budget update provided to the Jail Board, October: Formal value engineering and design development submission to Virginia Department of Corrections for approval, Late October/November Construction documents will be developed with 75% done in December.

 Other:  ACRJ had a clean audit opinion for FY23, In June 2023 our utilization was 1,093 bed days with a total of 13,827 bed days for FY24, our average daily population was 38 which is 14.31% of the total. The average total daily population was 265. As of last report, Nelson has 1 person on home electronic incarceration out of 10 total.

 F.    2026 Reassessment RFP: The County received three (3) proposals and pitches/interviews will be scheduled with at least two (2) firms planned for the week of August 26th.  Pursuant to Competitive Negotiations procedures of the Virginia Public Procurement Act (VPPA), the firms interviewed will be ranked according to the criteria and % weight described in the RFP and the County will then negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm. If an agreement cannot be reached, the negotiations begin with the second highest ranked firm and so on. The contract is anticipated to be finalized by the end of August/early September, with the work to commence in September/October 2024.

 The hired firm will begin with the Sales study and the bulk of the reassessment work will be done during calendar year 2025. Final completion of the reassessment will be contractually by December 31, 2025 and assessments effective January 1, 2026. There will be informal hearings with Assessors, as requested by citizens, followed by Board of Equalization appeal hearings during the February/March 2026 timeframe.

 G.   Meals and Lodging Tax Collection Tracking:  Per the Board’s directive, staff is tracking and charting the data for both Meals and Lodging (TOT) tax collection. Revenue collections in July have been added along with a note regarding the TOT tax rate change from 5% to 7% as of July 1, 2024.  (See Attached) The Board discussed what other information they may need and what changes they would want to the graphs in future. Jessica Ligon requested a quarterly report on the income recognized on the County’s investments of its cash on hand.

 H.   FY25 Board Retreat:  Staff is working on establishing a location for a retreat date in the range of September 17–20 and will be working with Chair Parr soon on that agenda.

 I.     Broadband Authority Dissolution: Staff has been working with the Treasurer’s Office to complete final steps in closing the Authority bank account and opening a new Nelson County Broadband bank account. This is one of the final steps in this transition along with Mr. Payne completing final filings with the SCC.


2. Board Reports

          Supervisor Jessica Ligon reported on what she learned about the regional jail. The medical/mental health/dental evaluations and medical services are significantly/(exceptionally) above average in comparison to the other facilities in the state.30% of bookings involved

            Supervisor Jesse Rutherford and Parr both reported that their committees/boards on which they serve did not meet this month. 

 B. Appointments: Supervisor David Parr said no one had applied to the Social Service Board listed below.

Authority: Established by the Code of Virginia §63.2-300 et seq.

Membership: 5 Members appointed by Election District.

Term: 4 Years, July 1 – June 30. 2 term limit

Summary of Duties: To provide, either directly or through the purchase of services subject to the supervision of the Commissioner and in accordance with regulations adopted by the Board, any or all child welfare services herein described when such services are not available through other agencies serving residents in the locality such as: Protecting the welfare of all children including handicapped, homeless, dependent, or neglected children; preventing or remedying, or assisting in the solution of problems that may result in the neglect, abuse, exploitation or delinquency of children; preventing the unnecessary separation of children from their families by identifying family problems, assisting families in resolving these problems and preventing the break-up of the family where preventing the removal of a child is desirable and possible; restoring to their families’ children who have been removed by providing services to the families and children; placing children in suitable adoptive homes in cases where restoration to the biological family is not possible or appropriate; and assuring adequate care of children away from their homes in cases where they cannot be returned home or placed for adoption.

The local board is also authorized and, as may be provided by regulations of the Board, shall provide rehabilitation and other services to help individuals attain or retain self-care or self-support and such services as are likely to prevent or reduce dependency and, in the case of dependent children, to maintain and strengthen family life.

 Meetings: Regular meetings are held monthly on the third Tuesday of each month at 1:00 PM at the Dept. of Social Services building in Lovingston. Members are compensated $75 per meeting plus mileage paid at the existing State mileage rate.

C. Correspondence: none. However, Supervisor Parr indicated  that he has been contacted by the Fleetwood Masonic Lodge has raised $6,300 for a cover for the Caboose at the Piney River Trail. The cost is likely to be approximately $18,000-20,000 but the cost will be verified with Parks and Recreation and the Board will address how to handle this at a subsequent meeting.

 D. Directives: Supervisor Jesse Rutherford will put a proclamation regarding September 11th at the September 10,  2024 meeting.

 VII. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO §2.2-3711 (A)(7) &(A)(8): the Board voted unanimously to go into closed session. The subject is the acquisition of property.




NewsAnn Mische