Quick Reference Guide

Primary, June 21, 2022

Nelson County, VA

Registrar’s Office Information

Registrar: Jacqueline Britt 434-263-7190 jbritt@nelsoncounty.org

Asst. Registrar: Rachael Snapp 434-263-7190 rsnapp@nelsoncounty.org

Location: 571 Front Street, Lovingston, VA 22949

Hours of Operation: Monday — Friday 9 am to 5 pm

Information for voters with special needs click here


 Voting by Mail in the Primary Starts May 6, 2022

          How do I apply for a Vote-by-Mail Ballot?

Go online to the VA Department of Elections website no later than 5 pm on Friday, June 10, 2022

OR visit the Registrar’s office no later than 5 pm Friday, June 10, 2022 . See location and contact information above.

         When will I receive my Ballot for the June Primary?

The Ballots will be mailed to you starting May 7.

When should I return my Ballot?

As soon as possible. The Ballot must be postmarked by June 21, 2022 and received by noon on Friday, June 24, 2022.

Covid-19 may still be with us. To ensure your safety and that your vote will be counted you can submit your Ballot by mail, drop it in a designated dropbox, or vote early in-person.

How do I check the status of my application or my Ballot?

Check the status online at the Citizen Portal.

Contact the Registrar’s office at the number or email address above.

How do I return my Ballot?

Before you return the Ballot, READ the enclosed instructions carefully, complete the Ballot, place it in Envelope B, sign the envelope and THEN:

Send it via U.S mail;

OR place it in the Ballot dropbox located at the Registrar’s Office;

OR return it in-person to the Registrar’s office at the address above;

OR on Election Day return it to the Ballot dropbox at your polling place.

How do I protect my Ballot from being disqualified?

READ instructions carefully.

 Early In-Person Voting for the Primary

Early In-person voting will be available at the Registrar’s Office, 571 Front Street, Lovingston Va for the November General Election.

·       Early In-Person voting will begin May 6, 2022, at the Registrar’s office and will continue, until June 17, 2022, Monday through Friday, from 9:00-5:00.

·       The Registrar’s office will also be open for Early Voting on two Saturdays —June 11th and Saturday, June 18th.

Ballot dropboxes will be available:

·       The same dates and times as in-person early voting at the Registrar’s Office.

·       At the Registrar’s Office on beginning Friday, May 6, 2022 through 7:00 pm on Election Day

·       At all regular polling places on Election Day.

Will I need voter ID to vote early in person and if so, what will count?

Click here for voter ID guidelines.