High Stakes: Engage Family, Friends

Election Day is just days away! If you haven’t already voted, what’s your plan to vote? Have you educated yourself about the issues and candidates? Now is the time to help others do their civic duty. Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers to make sure they understand what’s at stake in this unprecedented election and how their vote can make a difference.

Elections—at every level of government—are critical to stopping Trump. But the toxicity seen these past four years didn’t just start with this president. For many years before the 2016 election, Republicans— especially Tea Party conservatives —had been building power by winning elections at all levels of government. From local school boards and state legislatures to Congress and eventually the Oval Office, the Tea Party effectively stopped progressive legislation and got in the driver’s seat to push their hateful policies.

So, today, our politics is broken and excludes too many Americans. And, until we fix campaign finance, voting rights, and gerrymandering, it will continue to get more polarized, more ugly, and more mean.

Voting for Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president, we will again have respected leadership that stands up for all of us. Learn more here.

And a vote for U.S. Sen. Mark Warner will ensure the continued fight to make healthcare more affordable, protect coverage for people with pre-existing medical conditions, and to create an economy that works for all Virginians. Read about Senator Warner here

And, of course, casting your vote for Dr. Cameron Webb as our VA-05 congressman, you will see a fierce advocate who is committed to common sense, fairness, and serving the best interests of working families. Find out more about the good doctor here. And it’s not too late to sign up to help the Webb campaign.

Friends, it will take time to build back better. But it starts with YOU! TODAY! Together, we CAN do this!

See our story on your voting options.

Art by Lauren Boggs Meslar


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