Message from the Chair

As I’m writing, this the electoral college is voting and the threat 45 posed to our continuing experiment in democracy should recede.  It seems clear that the only thing holding off the forces of authoritarian rule were a few brave public servants, both democrat and republican.  Still, even as we celebrate the preservation of democracy, republicans continue their project of cementing minority rule based on voter suppression, gerrymandering, and control of the courts.  We have a long way to go.  Thank heaven we live in the bright blue state of VA. 

I want to again compliment and thank all of the fantastic volunteers who helped turn out an amazing 80% of Nelson voters.  While we fell short of beating Trump in Nelson, we did carry the county for Dr. Webb with almost a thousand votes more than what Leslie Coburn received.  It was quite a challenge turning out the vote in a pandemic.  We concentrated on urging our supporters to vote early or by mail and almost 75% did just that (3303 votes).  It made for a lonely day of poll watching, but our efforts were successful. 

Now it’s on to 2021.  We’ve got three important supervisor races here in Nelson as well as two delegate races and of course, all the state wide offices.   Next year the East, Central, and North districts in Nelson will all have supervisors up for election.  There is no reason we can’t win all three races, but you can’t win an election without a candidate, so I’m looking for individuals willing to run against Jesse Rutherford in the East, and Tommy Harvey in the North.  It almost goes without saying that we must work hard to make sure our friend Ernie Reed is returned to the BoS from the Central district.   

When it comes to the House of Delegates, it’s considered questionable that redistricting will arrive until after the 2021 races, so I’m assuming it’s another year of a split county with ½ in the 59th  district and ½ in the 20th district.  In the 59th we have a great candidate in Dr. Ben Moses (former Army doctor, now an acute care specialist at UVA).  I’m still waiting for a candidate to emerge in the 20th, but I know there are some excellent people considering a run. 

 Virginia state wide races look wide open, and with so many candidates for the various positions, I’m not even going to list them.  I know most of us need a break from politics, but please don’t put off taking a look at the candidates running for these offices, since the primary will be upon us before you know it. I’m planning on organizing a series of zoom calls to allow our candidates to introduce themselves.  The only thing I want to emphasize is that we must remain vigilant and committed to preventing a return to republican control of Virginia.  Not one step back! 

Please stay safe and healthy as we do what we can to enjoy the holidays.  A vaccine is coming and I am ready to get it. 


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