Nelson County Democratic Committee Announces Young Democrat Leadership Development Grant

The Nelson County Democratic Committee (NCDC) is pleased to announce a grant opportunity for individuals between the ages of 18 and 35 who are interested in political leadership training. The grant is part of our investment in the future and is offered to help develop leadership talent among the next generation of local Democrats. The committee will provide up to $2,200 to one, or more, individuals to defray the costs of tuition, housing, transportation or other training related expenses.  To be eligible you must be a registered voter in Nelson County, Virginia and be committed to the ideals of the Democratic Party. 

The Sorensen Institute at the University of Virginia offers several programs that qualify; however other political leadership development opportunities identified by the applicant(s) will be considered. The Sorensen Institute’s programs are: 
Political leaders program, click here.  
Candidates training program, click here.    
College leader career conference, click here.  

If you are interested in applying for Young Democrat Leadership Development Grant, please send a short essay to that:

1. Is no more than 500 words;     

2. Includes your name and address;

3. Explains how you will use the training to further Democratic ideals generally and your vision of yourself as a political leader; and,

4. Provides background information about the program you want to attend if it is not a Sorensen Institute program.

Essays should be submitted no later than June 1, 2020. 

Please feel free to share this notice with any friends, family or colleagues you believe may be interested in the Young Democratic Leadership Grant.


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