Lauren Boggs Meslar Supports Pete Buttigieg for President


Before Pete Buttigieg, I'd never even donated to a candidate. Now he has inspired me to get involved in a big way and I hope you'll join our outreach efforts and vote for him on March 3rd. The bedrock for my support for Pete is that he brings people together to address issues: how are we ever going to fix something as huge as climate change if we don't get everyone on board? I love how he beckons people onto the right side of history, meeting them where they are and welcoming them. His pragmatic, progressive policies and his rhetoric about them have widespread appeal as demonstrated by his support in Iowa across rural, suburban, and urban areas and his ability to capture Obama-Trump swing votes there. 

Pete is smart about how he structures his plans, such as having federal grants available for state and local projects instead of blanket federal funding, acknowledging conservatives' preference for small government while financing progressive projects. I believe this practical and realistic approach will allow us to move forward on the many issues our country needs to address.

Pete's proposals are also multi-faceted. An example is his proposal to expand national service opportunities with three new corps and 1 million openings by 2026. This plan helps the sectors in need, provides training and college debt forgiveness for participants, but also intentionally addresses division in our country by getting people out of their cultural bubbles, building empathy and unity. Fostering unity - belonging to the same nation - is a focus of his.

I want to raise my two young children in that nation. I don't want a divisive candidate focused on fighting and I don't think that approach would achieve our goals anyway. I want our country to come together to get big things done and I have been willing to work hard to achieve that reality. 

Click here to support Pete locally.
Click here to learn more about Pete.

Lauren Boggs Meslar

Virginia for Pete


Nelson Democrats