Corona Virus & Elections

Voters should not be forced to choose between exercising their Constitutional rights and preserving their own health and that of our community.  A Primary Election is coming up June 9 when we will elect the Democratic candidate for the US Congressional 5th District seat to oppose incumbent Republican Denver Riggleman.  And, of course, on November 3, we have the General Election where we will cast our vote for president.

As of now, the Virginia Department of Elections encourages voters to protect their health during COVID-19 outbreak by encouraging absentee voting in the coming elections. “Voters may choose reason ‘2A My disability or illness due to COVID-19’ for Absentee Voting. Voters who choose the absentee option should do so as soon as possible so they can get their ballots in time to return them by mail by Election Day.” 

  1. Apply online to vote absentee by clicking here .
    Or, you may apply for an absentee ballot by mail, email or fax. Just download and complete the Absentee Ballot Application Form by clicking  here .

  2. Or, you may apply for an absentee ballot by mail, email or fax. Just download and complete the Absentee Ballot Application Form  by clicking here .

  3. Or, within 45 days prior to upcoming elections, you may visit the local registrar’s office to
    vote absentee in-person. (Be aware, this absentee in-person option could quickly
    change! Bottom line: If you wish to avoid going to the registrar’s office or to the polls on election day due to COVID-19, VOTE ABSENTEE.)

    If you have any questions, contact Jacqueline Britt, Nelson County registrar at 434-263-7190 or

Absentee voting for the June 9 Primary begins onApril 24th. But apply right now to have your ballot sent to you in time!

State election professionals are in the process of seeking specific guidance from the Virginia Department of Elections and the Virginia Department of Health about how to proceed with administering the June Virginia elections. Their goal is to ensure that election officials, voters, staff, and electoral board members are protected as we proceed with in-person voting while simultaneously protecting voter’s rights.

This is a very fluid situation. Please keep yourself up-to-date via NCDC’s Facebook page, website and look for emails from the NCDC Committee!


Nelson Democrats