Nelson County Democratic Committee

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Highlights from the July 12, 2022 Board of Supervisors Meetings

The Board of Supervisors met on Tuesday July 12, 2022 at 2:00 and again at 7:00 pm. At the 2:00 pm session, the Board heard reports from Firefly Broadband the TJC Regional Transit Plan, the Virginia Cooperative Extension , and a report from VDOT. Firefly reported that 98% of the county should have broadband access by years end subject to the approval of the railroads to run cable across/under their tracks. The TJC regional Transit Plan is still in phase 1 determining what should be done and has not addressed funding resources at this time. Grace Monger, associate extension agent with the Virginia Department of Agriculture addressed the damage caused by the spotted lantern fly to grapes and the “Tree of Heaven” (Ailanthus Altissima) which is an invasive species.

The following motions were approved:



I. Appropriation of Funds (General Fund)

Amount Revenue Account (-) Expenditure Account (+)

$ 15,200.00 3-100-001899-0035 4-100-091050-7158

$ 2,440.00 3-100-002404-0035 4-100-031020-7044

$ 20,000.00 3-100-002404-0060 4-100-081020-7064

$ 37,640.00

II. Transfer of Funds (General Fund Recurring Contingency)

Amount Credit Account (-) Debit Account (+) $ 2,875.00

I. The General Fund Appropriation of $37,640 reflects requests of (1) $15,200 in donation to

Animal Control for the purchase of a livestock trailer. (2) $2,440 in Sheriff's Department FY20 Local

Law Enforcement Block Grant for Radar Equipment - no local match required. $20,000 in Virginia

Tourism Grant funds for the Virginia Regional Marketing Program for Nelson County’s Dark Skies Trail and Nelson Wintermarket - no local cash match required. Transfers represent funds that are already appropriated in the budget but are moved from one line item to another. Transfers do not affect the bottom line of the budget.

The General Fund Transfer from Recurring Contingency of $2,875 reflects (1) $2,875 in Thomas Jefferson Planning District - Regional Housing Partnership Program funds omitted from their annual funding request in error. Following approval of this expenditure, the balance of Recurring Contingency would be $997,125.

2. RESOLUTION R2022-41: SUPPORT OF VA250 COMMITTEE: Nelson County will form a committee to aid the Virginia America 250 Commission and their efforts planning for the commemoration the 250th anniversary of Virginia’s participation in American independence;

3. The motion of the Nelson County Service Authority to waive a portion or all of the $70,194.17 building permit cost for the Wintergreen Waste Water Treatment Plant was deferred. The request was based on the public benefit derived from the plant on the local environment.

4. The motion of the Nelson County Service Authority to waive a portion or all of the building permit $11,123.10 cost for the Schuyler Waste Water Treatment Plant was approved.

5. The motion to obtain financing under a promissory note for the purchase/lease agreement by the County of approximately 312 acres of land known as the Larkin Property and located on either side of the Nelson Middle and Highschool for $2,600,000 was approved and the County shall have 5 years to determine what use to make of the property, including potentially commercial use. The motion was approved. Anyone interested in the details of the purchase and lease can contact his or her supervisor for the underlying documents.

5. Employee Compensation – Establish $15/hr. Minimum Wage and Entry Level

Compensation Adjustments for Law Enforcement and Dispatch Personnel to Address Critical Vacancies and Improve Recruitment and Retention of These Positions: “Salary and Classification System” is hereby amended to incorporate the following: Salary adjustments shall be hereby authorized for Nelson County personnel (full time and regular part-time)employed pursuant to the County’s salary classification and pay plan, effective on July 1, 2022. The pay ranges assigned to each position classification shall be pursuant to Attachment A. Employee compensation adjustments will be based upon a minimum wage of $15/hour and its annual equivalent or five percent (5%) of current salary whichever is higher. Salaries as of July 1, 2022 shall be calculated based upon the salary in effect on June 30, 2022, with the exception of all full time Dispatch positions (Compensation Board and locally funded positions); which are re-graded pursuant to Attachment A. Additionally, a five percent (5%) salary adjustment shall be authorized for all regular part-time employees and all full-time employees employed by a Constitutional Officer, inclusive of the Officer and Registrar effective July 1, 2022. Employee compensation adjustments will be based upon a minimum wage of $15/hour and its annual equivalent or five percent (5%) of current salary whichever is higher. Salaries as of July 1, 2022 shall be calculated based upon the salary in effect on June 30, 2022 (Compensation/Electoral Board and local supplement), with the exception of Sheriff’s Department full time law enforcement positions. Effective July 1, 2022, pay ranges for full time law enforcement position classifications are established as shown in Attachment B for both Compensation Board funded positions as well as locally funded positions. These Employee compensation adjustments also effective July 1, 2022, will be based upon a minimum annual Deputy Salary of $46,000 or five percent (5%) of current salary whichever is higher. Salaries as of July 1, 2022 shall be calculated based upon the salary in effect on June 30, 2022 (Compensation Board and local supplement).The proposal was adopted. The attachments referenced are available through your local supervisor.

At the 7:00 pm meeting the Board reviewed and approved the following without the restrictions recommended by the Planning Commission. The motions passed unanimously but Ernie Reed of central district noted the failure to include the limiting conditions on future use.

A. Special Use Permit #657 – Conference Center

Consideration of a Special Use Permit application requesting County approval to allow a conference

center use on property zoned A-1 Agriculture at Lovingston Winery. The subject property is located at

Tax Map Parcels #67-A-54 & 55 at 885 Freshwater Cove Lane in Lovingston. The subject property is

7.478 and 48.285 acres respectively and owned by William T. III & Shelley A. Riley.

B. Rezoning #658 – R-1 Residential to B-1 Business

Consideration of a Rezoning application requesting County approval to rezone property from R-1

Residential to B-1 Business for an office use. The subject property is located at Tax Map Parcel #77-A-

120A at 12 Variety Mills Road in Arrington. The subject property is 2.065 acres and owned by Virginia

Purvis, Doris Stintson, & Martha Marrs.

C. Special Use Permit #659 – Campground (One Site)

Consideration of a Special Use Permit application requesting County approval to allow a campground use

for one tent site on property zoned A-1 Agriculture. The subject property is located at Tax Map Parcel

#17-A-16 at 2975 North Fork Road in Montebello. The subject property is 2.945 acres and owned by

Charlotte H. & Scott Fluharty