Senator Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign features a health
care option to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) that has had a lot of
attention of late. It goes by the name of “Medicare for All” or M4A. It exists
today as U. S. Senate Bill 1129 and has stirred a lot of interest among voters
and presidential candidates. To help both groups engage in a fact-based
discussion, this summary is organized around three critical topics:
On January 19th the MLK committee hosted the 27th annual Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Day celebration at the Heritage Center in Arrington. The event
was well attended by a diverse group of 200+ citizens gathering to honor all that
Dr. King’s legacy means to our community.
I am genuinely excited to have an opportunity to vote for Elizabeth Warren in the upcoming primary. She has a clear understanding of the many challenges our society is facing to which she applies a principled, pragmatic progressivism that values evidence over ideology.
Read MoreThe Nelson County Democratic Committee is trying something new—publishing a monthly Newsletter that anticipates your need for information on political events that is organized in monthly installments. In addition, we also want to give you a platform to share your ideas and opinions. Occasionally, we might do a restaurant review, include a random fact about Nelson County or share a great recipe.
Read MoreWe welcome letters to the editor or articles from our readers for inclusion in the Newsletter. We will be experimenting with this idea so be patient while we work out the kinks. As a starting point, here are guidelines.
Read MoreI have been a Bernie Sanders supporter since April, 2015, when he first announced that he would seek the Presidency. I’d like to explain why.
Read MoreMartin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1929 at the onset of the Great Depression. Those were hard times for everyone, yet the King family thrived and when he was a young man of 26 years, Dr. King helped organize and lead a bus boycott in Montgomery, Alabama to demonstrate the effectiveness of passive resistance as an agent of change.
Read MoreGreetings fellow Nelson County Democrats!
Have you noticed the proliferation of election signs already up along the county’s roads? Hard to miss really. It’s difficult to imagine a more important election cycle than the one we face over the next year and a half. We all have to think short term (local and state) as well as long term (national) to ensure we put people in place who we can count on to counteract and countermand the truly terrible decisions that have been made over the past thirty months.
Why would you want to vote early or absentee?
There are many reasons why you might want to vote early or to use an absentee ballot. Will you be out of town on business or vacation? Are you a first-responder, active military or do you have other work obligations that might keep from the polls? These are just some of the reasons you might not be able to make it the polls on Election Day, so plan to vote early or to get an absentee ballot in advance. Also, if you have friends or family who might need to vote early or use an absentee ballot, pass this article on to them and encourage them to use one of these options. Every vote is critical.
The budget determines to a great extent both the quantity and quality of services that the County provides to us. It can also affect morale and set a tone for the entire county.
Read MoreRobert “Bip” Barton has filed to run for the south district supervisor seat.
Read MoreVirginia is the first state in the country to compile an online, interactive map with detailed layers that can be used as a tool for developing policies on climate change and biodiversity.
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